Keller Williams Southern Arizona

2023 Red Day

Helping People Experiencing Homelessness with Necessary Goods

The agents at Keller Williams Southern Arizona spent their 2023 Red Day filling lots of bags to distribute to the residents of Tucson who are experiencing homelessness. Donna Reed, Chairperson of the Culture Committee, led the effort. Agents collected items and donations so the bags would be filled. Their efforts were aimed to help as many people as possible. 


Several agents pitched in to help with 2023 Red Day, along with CEO and Team Leader Jake Kindem. Together, the agents were able to create the following for their goal:


  • 300 fully filled bags with visors, socks, sunglasses, food, band aids
  • Another 150 or so bags with just food items
  • 50 bags with fresh peanut butter and jelly sandwiches
  • 50 or more bags with feminine hygiene products
  • Agents were writing notes for each bag
  • Still to arrive: tweezers and nail clippers, so the Agents will give these to David Urbaniak, as he helps people experiencing homelessness all the time
Jake Kindem and agents at 2023 Red Day
Three agents in an office filling bags
Donna Reed on 2023 Red Day

2023 Red Day Helps Hundreds of People Experiencing  Homelessness

Many of Tucson residents experiencing homelessness live in city parks. The city has around 850 shelter beds. However, estimates of the city’s population experiencing homelessness range up to 3,000 individuals. This estimate far surpasses the city’s capacity to provide a bed in a shelter. The 2023 Red Day initiative will help a good number of the people experiencing homelessness in the city. 


Another part of the 2023 Red Day initiative was to help Nash Elementary School’s Field Day. Around 5 to 7 Agents went to Nash to help between 7:30am and 10:30am. According to Donna Reed, Nash Elementary School has one of the highest turnovers of students from year to year. Reasons for the turnover include low income and other home and family issues that lead to lots of change. Donna states that her church has helped the school for many years. She was excited to bring Agents to the school to help them on 2023 Red Day.


Following their duties at the school, the Agents went to the Market Center. There they pitched in to help fill and distribute the bags for Tucson residents experiencing homelessness.

Agents at a table filling bags
Cart with filled bags for 2023 Red Day
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